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The C-Money Project

Cheryl Green, A.K.A. "C-Money the Discipler" –a Righteous Rap Artist with the flow-style flavor of hip-hop sermonizing is preparing to extend her ministry to audiences worldwide with the release of her debut record and upcoming book Series, “Success Secrets of Music Moguls…The Power Behind the Success,” which reveals God’s Strategy and Plan for Rap. The project will elaborate on the mental toughness of some God-made moguls who were dealt the toughest cards imaginable, yet today they are living life to the fullest. What do Jay Z, Diddy, and Dr. Dre all have in common? They were all fatherless, gritty youngsters that turned to rap and hip hop to escape drugs, violence, poverty, and the housing projects. Now they stay on Forbes’ list of Raps Richest Acts and First Multibillion Dollar Trio. These men are NOT only three of wealthiest hip hop acts in the country. They are three of the richest American musicians working in any genre.”  C-Money says, “this project will serve as a tribute to the hustle and flow of entrepreneur and entertainment moguls who have masterfully taken the lemons of their lives and made lemonade and created multimillion dollar conglomerates of clothing lines, liquor companies, films, clubs, restaurants, sports agencies and other unique business ventures.”


New Life
Look at me now

Today more than ever, people are feeling powerless, defeated, unfulfilled, living in mediocrity, and plagued with limiting beliefs. We do what we do NOT because it is all we can do, but because it is all we believe we can do. Once you change what you THINK, you will change what you do. Once you change what you DO, you will change what you GET! This music and book collaboration is a Movement and will open your eyes to how you access your God-given power to conquer life’s toughest challenges and create a life you absolutely love living. The prophetic poetic Rhapsodist, and certified success coach professes she will proclaim God’s unadulterated Word through this radical ministry to the unchurched and a society of youth who may never enter a church building!

​​“God has given me the revelation that he will use rap as a unique way of addressing the whole nation. Hip hop is a powerful tool. It has reached so far across the world. Righteous Rap, God’s radical infusion of spirituality and hip hop, is a channel to reach the discouraged and the lost. Hip-hop culture spans all ethnicities. It does not see color. At rap concerts, you see whites, blacks, browns, yellows, reds, and every color in between. This culture, this movement, has done a better job than the government and all the churches combined with bringing people of different nationalities together.”


Her mission is to Publish, Record, and Distribute World-Class Books, Music and Coaching Programs that inspire, instruct, and ignite people to be vocal for Christ and live a life that they love.



A decade later Cheryl’s music career came to a halt when her daughter, Irene was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. Doctors told Cheryl that it was a disability for which there is no cure. She was devastated and experiencing the challenge as a single parent, as she and her husband were divorcing. But Cheryl’s faith rejected those projections, and she prioritized her life to advocate for Irene’s early intervention and on-going therapy services, securing various state-of-the-art therapists, advocacy training and educational resources. Today Irene is thriving and has graduated from High School as a gold medal track and field athlete and first autistic cheerleader at Hollywood High. Irene is a young adult and currently attends Jazz Hands for Autism Music Academy where she enjoys learning music theory and playing the piano. Jazz Hands for Autism is a vocational and integrated employment program that provides musical training tailored to help musicians on the autism spectrum succeed in music related jobs.

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